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Writer's pictureAmanda Bliss


This mama is feeling so overwhelmed right now and there's nothing I can do to not be.

So here we are on the verge of 33 weeks. This means little one will be here in roughly 6 weeks.

The house is not prepared for the baby yet. Even though we have started to prepare, it honestly feels like it's made the house worse. After all, prepping for human being number 8 in a house of 3 bedrooms where we are already hurting ourselves trying to walk through everything is not the smartest.

We have not heard back from the mortgage person yet (hopefully tonight or tomorrow) so we cant even look to move yet. This means that we pretty much have to jump on whatever we can get ASAP so we can do the closing and start to move before the baby is here. Moving after the baby is here, with 2 other kids, is going to be so stressful but right now its looking like thats whats going to happen.

The house is a mess and I have been trying to clean and pack and prepare for move and the baby and most of it is done without help because Mr is working as much as possible so we have money to move. This means the house is a bigger mess than usual.

Our van is still overheating - an issue we have been fighting for months. We've replaced so much in it that I dont even know what to do anymore.

Jaymie is super clingy to me so I cant get stuff done because she wants to just be on me all the time.

I'm stressing about money because baby and move are two super expensive things, plus 2 kids to take care of already

I dont feel like I can ask for help because Mr works so much and when he is home he deserves to relax and spend time with the kids. Plus my hormones are all over the place and I dont wanna snap because of something stupid

I'm trying to make money online with my Usborne books and even doing Amazon HITS so I can buy the things we need for the move, but at the same time its a "whats the point"

The heat is killing me. We have our air set for 72 and its 82 in the house and I'm soaked in sweat and cant get much done. All I want is to relax, but my mind keeps going on about all the things I need to do.

Can it be September yet?

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